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Friday, 26 June 2015

Where Has Water Gone?

By Caroline Mateta
Our beloved water, where have you gone?
Rivers, lakes, underground water, where have you gone?
Water! Water! Where have you gone?
Our negative activities have made water disappear,
Forest destruction and bush fires, all contribute,
Waste management and poor land, use all contribute,
Water! Water! Where have you gone?
Destruction of catchment areas, wet land and springs,
Grabbers, corruption, overgrazing and overstocking,
Water! Water! Where have you gone?

Generation to come will ask, “Where has the water gone?”
Livestock and birds will wonder, “Where has the water gone?”
Wild animals and insects will wonder, “Where has the water gone?”
Water! Water! Where have you gone?
Increased human wildlife conflict, the order of the day,
Food insecurity and severe drought, the order of the day,
Water! Water! Where have you gone?
Water! Water! Save us from the increased poverty,
Water! Water! Save us from the loss of animals,
Water! Water! Save the generation from income,
Water! Water! Where have you gone?

Caroline Mateta is class 7 pupil at Ol-Jabet Primary School

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