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Friday, 31 January 2014

Warehouse receipt system to become a reality in Sipili

By Bob Aston

The warehouse receipt system which is also referred to as Inventory credits are increasingly becoming important as they serve to reduce uncertainty and enhance efficiency in cereal marketing. Eastern Africa Grain Council official was in Sipili division, Laikipia County on January 30, 2014 to discuss how they can certificate Sipili Cereal Bank. 

Samwel Rutto, Regional Manager, Eastern Africa Grain Council said that soon farmers in Sipili will start enjoying the benefit of Warehouse receipt system incase Sipili Cereal Bank gets certification.

Maize being sun dried
“It is a matter of farmers organizing themselves. Once you are organized you will be able to enjoy the benefits of Warehouse Receipt System,” said Samwel.

Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society together with Sipili Cereal Bank have been pursuing the certification of the Cereal bank in order for Warehouse Receipt System to be introduced.
The warehouse receipt system is expected to help the farmers in mobilizing agricultural credit by creating secure collateral for them. Other benefits that the farmers will realize will be better market prices as their farm produce particularly maize can be sold throughout the year rather than just after harvests. The farmers will also realize reduced risk in the agricultural markets, improved food security and credit access and lower post harvest losses due to better storage conditions.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society Chairman, Kanja Waweru said that the Warehouse Receipt System will be a big achievement for the co-operative as it will enable the co-operative to secure a loan from Chase Bank.
Samwel also promised Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society officials that MEA Ltd will send their sales manager the following week to look into the issue of fertilizer.
“I have talked with the sales Manager of MEA Ltd and he will come here next week to take fertilizer order of Ng’arua,” said Samwel.
Samwel informed the Co-operative and Ng’arua Maarifa Centre officials that Eastern Africa Grain Council normally uses Electronic Grain Trade Africa (egtafrica) to link farmers to markets. They also have trade contracts so that farmers are covered as well as ensuring that farmers sign contract with buyers.

The International year of Family Farming

By Bob Aston 

Family farm a method involving all family members working and earning their living and producing their food on a family farm, will be the key focus of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) throughout 2014. FAO launched the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) on November 22, 2013 in New York. 

The International Year of Family Farming 2014 is also an initiative promoted by the World Rural Forum and supported by over 360 civil Society and farmers' organizations.
The aim of the IYFF, is to reposition family farming at the centre of agricultural, environmental and social policies in the national agendas, by identifying gaps and opportunities to promote a shift towards a more equal and balanced development.
Farmers planting tomatoes
All this work is being made from the perspective of effectively combating poverty and hunger and the search for a rural development based on the respect for environment and biodiversity.
According to FAO, family farming is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production which is managed and operated by a family and predominantly reliant on family labour, including both women and men.
Family farming represents an opportunity to boost local economies, especially when combined with specific policies aimed at social protection and well-being of communities.
Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) plans to remain at the centre of activities around IYFF particularly using Baobab as the primary platform for disseminating key IYFF messages throughout 2014.
In the 69th edition of Baobab, ALIN carried the announcement of the IYFF Photo Competition where they advised their readers to participate and help to achieve the competition’s aim, which is: to visualize the potential and contributions of family farmers worldwide. This is an initiative of the AgriCultures Network, of which ALIN is a member and the World Rural Forum, in close collaboration with the Asian Farmers Association, CLOC/La Via Campesina and the More and Better Network.
ALIN and Laikipia Rural Voices welcomes comments and opinions about what needs to be done to make family farming better recognized and more rewarding.
One can download a copy of 69th Edition of Baobab from ALIN website ( ) or come to Ng’arua Maarifa Centre to get a soft copy of the Baobab Edition.
Source 69th Edition of Baobab

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Women form social welfare groups for empowerment

By Philip Mwamrizi 

Women empowerment is now considered as a human right but also as a pathway through which Kenya can achieve Vision 2030. In Sipili division, Laikipia County women have not been left behind as they have come together to form Kiraini Women Group. The group already has a membership of over 100 women.
Kiraini Women Group is a self help group which uses an old principle of pooling of resources. The groups contribution is similar to Merry go round, but with a little twist where instead of going round contributing money from the first  to the last member, only the one in need of the money is contributed to. One member can have the cash up to three or more times before another does but so long as it is a genuine reason for the rest to give up their contributions for her course.
Women selling farm produce at Sipili Market

“The group has really changed our lives.  Some of the members have been able to venture into business and even pay hospital bills for their families,” said Benedeta Wanjiru.
Hospital bills, funeral expenses, wedding expenses and other domestic problems that require heavy financing such as repair of a house brought down by strong rain and wind are some of the risk that the group covers for members through contribution.
In the event that a member needs some urgent cash, she will bring it to the attention of the others who then have to contribute a mandatory fixed amount that may change depending on the type of risk. However anything extra above the fixed amount set is only raised by members who are willing and able to contribute the amount.
 “Some of the problems we experience include lack of member’s contribution. Some of the members rarely contribute and this has affected some of the things we are supposed to do,” said Benedeta.
Traders at Sipili market
“I will not say that it is the fault of the defaulting members but rather the economy of the country. Coming up with money is sometimes difficult,” added Benedeta.
Kiraini Women Group Members meet once a month to discuss housekeeping issues and also to brainstorm on how they can assist members who require financing.
The Kenyan Constitution has opened many opportunities that take cognizance of the role of women and their full participation in economic, political and social sectors. Many Kenyan opinion leaders believe that empowering women to participate fully in economic life is essential in improving the quality of life for women.

Laikipia cooperative now certified as seed agents

By Bob Aston 

Sipili farmers have persistently been complaining about low farm yields due to use of fake fertilizer. This is now set to change as a co-operative operating in Laikipia County though based in Sipili division has been certified as seed agent. Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative society will now be supplying certified hybrid seeds to farmers.
The co-operative has been able to get seed certification from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) and they can now get seeds directly from the Kenya Seed Company ltd.
The Co-operative members displaying their products
“We are going to ensure that farmers receive quality seeds and other inputs so as to maximize their crop production as well as ensuring that farmers are not at risk of being provided with low quality input,” said Samwel Mbogo, the Vice Chairman of the Co-operative.
Seeds are a basic input that sets the potential for crop yield. Demand for certified seeds has been on the rise owing to need to boost food production.
“Our main aim was to get certified hybrid seeds and we would like to urge all farmers to join the Co-operative so that we can all benefit,” said Peter Mwaniki, a committee member.
Mwaniki said that it had been a long journey but they are now set to start enjoying the fruit of their hard work. They are now taking orders from farmers who want seeds. More than 50 farmers around Sipili and its environs have already placed orders for certified seeds.
“We expect to bring the first seed consignment in the next two weeks. The information that we have accessed from Ng’arua Maarifa Centre has really empowered us as a co-operative,” said Mwaniki.
The Co-operative now expects to be able to sell seeds, fertilizer and other inputs in bulk. The Cooperative has already started complying with the conditions set in the seed regulations (The seed and plant varieties Act: Cap 326, Laws of Kenya).
The Co-operative members displaying their products
“We have been trained and the co-operative will help us a lot as we will be able to get certified seeds and fertilizer at a good price,” said Stephen Gachego.
Stephen said that most farmers from Sipili usually fail to finding fertilizer, they would spend money going to Nyahururu but most of the time they would return empty handed as they would find when fertilizer was already over.
“It has been a challenge for sometime as we used to go to Nyahururu to collect fertilizer. People used to go to the Ministry of Agriculture in Sipili to be issued with receipts then they would proceed to Nyahururu to collect fertilizer,” said Gachego.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society is spearheading  market access initiatives using modern technologies, supporting community needs assessments and information dissemination, organizing trainings, networking and capacity building for farmers, mobilizing farming communities into common interest producer groups ,enabling farmers to access input and bulk their produce for easier marketing, promoting quality control and post harvest handling as well as supporting farmers and local communities to access information on farming.
Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) through Ng’arua Maarifa Centre, with support from the Ford Foundation, initiated the formation of the Co-operative to help farmers bulk produce, particularly maize. The Co-operative which was formed last year already has more than 200 registered members.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The fallacy of New Year resolutions

By Moses Ndung’u 

Kenya is a beautiful country full of goodies and cookies. It is a New Year and the New Year resolutions have found their way deep down into every person’s annual plans. Well for a good start and sense of direction, one has to create a good list that spells out what one is set to do. The Country’s forefathers, the Kenyan premiers who literary fought for the fruits of democracy that Kenyans now enjoy, had set the short term and also long term resolutions for our country.
Kenya after attaining independence and real democracy was left still under that morbid realm of colonialism that later translated into neo-colonialism. The Country’s forefathers had to get some means to sustain what they had toiled for and getting real means to stand firm for the dictates of real freedom.
Financing the establishment of a real democratic government was a real problem and a danger to Kenyan independence. ‘An act of good will’ by the international financial institutions that dates back to that ancient era still holds Kenya by the collar. Fifty years after independence Kenya has to pay the debt that has matured after a grace period of fifty years.
Resolutions are an easy task to make, aren’t they? But making them real is a really good nuisance. It is like moving into a new house with the cockroaches with you. Roaches in this instance symbolize our past inadequacies.
Now in the new house thinking that all the roaches are gone, you wake up in the wee hour of the morning only to find out that it’s a grave mistake. You get a rude shock to find mother roach, father roach and their zillion offspring in a morbid glee over a few crumbs of a sandwich. Fine, now you understand that for New Year resolutions to work out the way you intended during those few moments when you meant what you were writing those resolutions, then it has to begin with yourself.
Getting out of oneself is quite a very difficult endeavour, getting out of ourselves as Kenyans is akin to impossibility. Shedding the filthy evils that have gnawed at the dear dignity of Kenya has to be on the frontline. Corruption, egotistic resources distribution, tribalism, nepotism, greed for money… on and on. Somebody said, better the devil you know than a strange angel’’, its true but for a change to occur we have to come out of our cocoons and look how new options will augur with the new us.
Our human credibility could be at stake if our resolutions will just be long forgotten phenomena that will have added a punch into our stagnating in our present mire.  

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

CDTF on a verification mission at Wangwaci dam

By Bob Aston
Community Development Trust Fund (CDTF) on January 27, 2013 visited Wangwaci dam on a verification mission of projects proposed by Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN), communities and partners on the dam’s conservation.
CDTF is a joint initiative of the Government of Kenya and the European Union with the objective to contribute to poverty alleviation in the country by offering support, in form of grants, to community-based projects which address social, economic and environment priorities.
Thomas and Mary from CDTF at Ng'arua Maarifa Centre
ALIN had applied for lot 2 grant from CDTF. The grant is meant for Public Sector (CBO) in Partnerships with Private Sector focusing on climate change adaptation that enhances a business model for sustainability or will lead to a green growth economy.
Speaking with the community members of Wangwaci, Thomas Opande, a short term consultant with CDTF said that the verification mission was meant to give them more insight about the project and also to listen to the communities living around the dam.
“Main purpose of CDTF is to help the community empower themselves. The community has to come up with activities that they want to undertake,” said Thomas.
The project is expected to directly benefit 33,000 people. CDTF will cater for 80% of the project cost, while the local community and a private sector partner, WindGen Power East Africa, will each contribute 10% of the project cost if it is approved.
“In case the project sails through then CDTF will try to reduce poverty, to conserve the environment and to make the project sustainable,” said Mary Karanja, a short term consultant with CDTF.
Ibrahim highlighting the challenges faced at Wangwaci dam
Ibrahim mutahi took the visitors through some of the challenges faced by the dam users. Mutahi mentioned lack of access to clean water for human consumption, irrigation for food production and livestock during drought periods, poor watershed management leading to land degradation, water pollution, and exposure of communities to water borne diseases due to poor water resource management, sanitation and lack of a supply system.
“Water is the main source of income here. We want the number of dam beneficiaries to increase from 5,000 to 10,000 members,” said Ibrahim.
Noah Lusaka, Project Manager ALIN informed the dam users about the objectives of the grant application. ALIN seeks to ensure that communities will access clean water for their domestic use, livestock and for irrigation to produce enough food for their families and sale of surplus to generate income thus improving their livelihoods.
ALIN also seeks to ensure that Wangwaci watershed will be restored and productively used, fuel wood will be readily available reducing workload by women and children and reduction of community conflicts over use of natural resources.
The project also seeks to see a reduction of water borne diseases among communities due to improved water quality and supply systems enhancing work productivity in rural areas especially youth employment creation in conservation and agricultural work.
“We have been working as partners with the local community. On behalf of ALIN we hope to get to the next level,” said Sam Mwangi, Team Leader Community Empowerment-ALIN.
Noah from ALIN highlighting the project objectives
“What the farmers need to do is create wealth,” added Sam.
ALIN seeks to partner with WindGen Power East Africa, Ministry of Agriculture, Provincial administration and Tree is Life to ensure that Wangwaci dam is conserved.
“Let us organize ourselves as we have resources. It is good that we have an opportunity to engage with our partners CDTF,” said Anthony Mugo, ALIN’s Deputy Director.
If the project sails through then community water users association will be formed to facilitate protection and conservation of Wangwaci water catchment area thus increasing clean water accessibility by communities.
An efficient water supply system will be installed using solar-wind energy hybrid technologies for easy access to water by communities for their utilization.
Wangwaci dam communities will be empowered to develop a comprehensive management plan through capacity building on natural resources management and food production technologies as climate change adaptation strategies.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Laikipia West MP visits Sipili shopping centre

By Bob Aston 

The MP for Laikipia West Dr. Wachira Karani on 18th January 2013 toured Sipili shopping centre to distribute over 400 birth certificates and driving licenses to residents.
Speaking at Sipili Bus terminal, Hon Wachira promised residents that roads classified under the CDF like Muhotetu-Sipili, Sipili-Ol-Moran road and Kinamba-Sipili-Rumuruti-Nanyuki road will be constructed.
Hon Wachira also said that internal roads within Laikipia County which falls under respective wards will be constructed by the county government.
Hon Wachira noted that security has improved in Sipili Division. He said that he had requested for a security vehicle which was eventually given by the national government to the Anti Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) at Ol-Mutunyi. This he said will help in curbing cases of livestock theft in the area.
Hon Wachira urged youths to register their groups in order to benefit from the youth Fund. “The six (6) billion shilling fund will be disbursed immediately it is passed in parliament’’ He said. Adding that, he has sponsored a motion in parliament to ensure that the government sets aside 6 billion shillings every year for the youth Fund.
“I have sponsored a motion in parliament which if passed; Ksh 6 billion will be set aside for youths each year. This will considerably boost the youth’s kitty,” said Dr. Hon Wachira.
The MP noted that as farmers start preparing their farms to plant, middlemen always exploit them by selling fertilizer at exorbitant prices. He promised farmers that he will look into the issue this year.
“I will meet with the Cereal Board Manager to see how we can distribute fertilizer to the farmers. Government fertilizer is supposed to retail at Ksh 2,500,” said Hon Wachira.
While handing over driving licenses and birth certificates the MP said that the driving initiative will be a continuous process. Those present were informed that already more than 80 individuals have been registered in Ol-Moran and Karaba to attend the driving classes.
Hon Wachira also urged teachers and the government to find solutions to the falling level of education in Laikipia County.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Ng’arua Maarifa plays host to Amiran Kenya and Chase Bank

By Bob Aston 

Chase Bank and Amiran Kenya are set to partner with Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society to undertake various development programs. During a meeting on January 15, 2014 held at Ng’arua Maarifa Centre in Sipili Division, Laikipia County, representatives of the three organizations agreed to work together to undertake various projects.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative officials together with Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) staff at Ng’arua Maarifa Centre informed Chase Bank and Amiran officials on the milestones and challenges that the co-operative is currently facing.
Chase Bank,Amiran,Kenya,Cooperative and Ngarua Maarifa officials
ALIN is currently offering advisory support services, capacity building, information access and empowerment to the members of the Co-operative.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society vice Chairman, Samuel Mbogo said that some of the challenges the co-operative face is lack of finances to buy seeds and fertilizer for members.
Samuel Kanyingi from Chase Bank advised the co-operative to work and organize with the bank as it has a lot of money to dispense on agriculture.
 “Organize yourselves and benefit from the bank as money is available. We have not yet exhausted funds that were set aside last year to help farmers while this year funds have again been set aside for farmers,” said Kanyingi.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society is spearheading  market access initiatives using modern technologies, supporting community needs assessments and information dissemination, organizing trainings, networking and capacity building for farmers, mobilizing the farming communities into common interest producer groups, enabling farmers to access inputs and bulk their produce for easier marketing, promoting quality control and post harvest handling as well as supporting farmers and local communities to access information on farming.
“The best way to benefit from banks is through organized groups. One can get cheaper loans and good packages,” said Isaac Ruto, from Chase Bank.
Photo session
“The Co-operative can be a seed stockiest and they will also be agents of Chase bank and other customers can bank through them,” added Isaac.
Chase Bank and Amiran Kenya are currently in a partnership to extend new credit opportunities to farmers and youth, that will enable them to purchase Amiran’s modern agricultural technologies, to boost their farm produce as well as empower the youth economically.
Under the programme, Chase Bank and its subsidiary, Rafiki DTM have allocated the agribusiness finance project 3.5 billion to help finance Amiran’s modern agricultural technologies to interested youths and farmers.
Amiran Regional Manager-West Rift, Andrew Nguyo, informed the Co-operative that it is easy to get dealership as one can get their products directly at a reduced price with no middleman in between. Nguyo emphasized on the need for proper working relationship between the cooperative and the organization.
“A relationship must first be established to grow and improve the Cooperative,” said Nguyo
Amiran Kenya’s agricultural basket of products are said to include chemicals, fertilizers and seeds; large and small scale agro-projects using state of the art technology like modern irrigation systems, green house climate control and water measuring technologies. 
“As a co-operative you can get products directly from Amiran. This means that you will be able to get our products cheaply compared to individual farmers,” said Nguyo.
Amiran and Chase Bank officials also visited the Co-operative store and office to assess what they have been doing. The Co-operative which was formed last year already has more than 200 registered members.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Kanyuka farmers diversify to horticulture farming

By Bob Aston 

Horticulture farming in Kenya has been on the rise in recent past. More farmers have diversified their activities by venturing into the field. Farmers in Kanyuka village in Ng’arua Division, Laikipia County, have not been left behind.
Charity at her farm in Kanyuka
Charity Wanjiku says that tomato farming is doing well in the area as the climate is conducive for the crop. They access plenty of water from Kanyuka dam to irrigate their farms.
“I have been a farmer for a long time, I was initially concentrating on maize production but three years ago I started planting tomatoes. It requires a lot of capital but the returns are great,” said Charity.

Tomatoes are botanical fruits, though they are widely considered as vegetable for culinary skills.
Tomatoes are said to be rich in Vitamin A, B and C, they are said to be fat free as well as being low in sodium. Tomatoes are also packed with phytonutrients, including lycopene, an antioxidant that protects body cells from damage. Tomatoes are also said to contain an array of nutrients that work to lower cholesterol and prevent heart diseases.
‘I have been able to take care of my family and even pay school fees for my children from my farm proceeds. Farming has really helped people living in this area,” said Charity.
Tomatoes do well in an altitude range of 0-2100 m and in places with annual rainfall between 760 and 1300 mm. They also need a fertile, deep and well drained soil.
Some of the farmers planting tomatoes
Tomatoes may be affected by diseases during heavy rainfall, maturity period is also prolonged. Most tomato farms in the area are currently infected with tomato blight. Some tomatoes now appear sunken, they have also developed dark green or brown lesion on leaves and stems
“We go for tomato varieties with early blight resistance or tolerance but despite this the tomatoes will still end up being infected with tomato blight,” said Charity.
Currently a crate of tomato is said to be fetching between Ksh 3,400 -4,600 in Nairobi and Nakuru. Charity is expecting to harvest her tomatoes in April when the price will be high. A crate of tomatoes is expected to fetch Ksh 7,000 during that period.
 “Farmers here normally come together to fill a lorry with tomatoes then we either transport them to Nairobi or Nakuru,” said Charity.
Charity believes that the future of horticulture is bright. She is now looking forward to increase her farm production as she looks for more training on farming.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Kanyuka farmers urged to embrace Co-operatives

By Regina Wokabi

Farmers in Kanyuka village of Ng’arua Division in Laikipia County have been urged to join co-operatives. Speaking during a farmers meeting on January 14, 2014, Pauline Wanjiru, from Maleo Community Development Program, informed the farmers that Amiran and Chase bank will be visiting the area to see various projects that they can fund.
“I talked with Amiran and Chase bank and they agreed that they will come and see how they can help farmers here,” said Pauline.
Pauline urged the farmers to join Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society as joining cooperatives has immense benefits as well as it will give them good bargaining power when selling their farm produce.
“The way to go these days is through Co-operatives. Co-operatives offer good market prices to producers for selling their produce, thus increasing farm income,” said Pauline.
Pauline addressing some of the farmers
Chase Bank and Amiran Kenya are currently in a partnership to extend new credit opportunities to farmers and youth, that will enable them to purchase Amiran’s modern agricultural technologies, to boost their farm produce as well as empower the youth economically.
Bob Aston from Ng’arua Maarifa Centre informed the farmers that Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) through Ng’arua Maarifa Centre, under a program funded by the Ford Foundation initiated the formation of the Co-operative to help farmers bulk produce, particularly maize. The Co-operative which was formed last year already has more than 200 registered members.
“ALIN is currently offering advisory support services, capacity building, information access and empowerment to the members of the Co-operative,” said Bob.
Laikipia Produce and Marketing Co-operative Society is said to be spearheading  market access initiatives using modern technologies, supporting community needs assessments and information dissemination, organizing trainings, networking and capacity building for farmers, mobilizing the farming communities into common interest producer groups ,enabling farmers to access input and bulk their produce for easier marketing, promoting quality control and post harvest handling as well as supporting farmers and local communities to access information on farming.
“I am personally going to join the Co-operative. I believe that co-operatives offer lower prices for farm inputs by making use of economies of scale like purchasing in bulk and negotiating for lower prices of inputs than individual farmer could achieve,” said George Ng’anga, a farmer at Kanyuka.
The farmers are now set to hold a meeting with Amiran and Chase bank officials tomorrow to discuss on various projects that they want to be funded.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Fire engulf property in Kinamba

By Ephantus Kiptanui 

Traders in Kinamba shopping centre woke up to a rude shock on January 9, 2013, after fire burnt down their business premises and houses around Kinamba bus stage.
Residents tried to stop the fire by carrying water in buckets and tins but they were overwhelmed as the fire spread to the nearby shops. The wooden wall made it difficult for them to extinguish the fire.
“It is suspected that the fire was caused by a torch or a phone which exploded as it was left charging overnight,” said Allan, the shop owner.
During the rescue operation some of those present took advantage of the situation and started looting the shops.
 “Police took a very long time to arrive at the scene. They could have prevented the looting if they had arrived promptly,” said Silvester Kimeli, who witnessed the incident.
Area residents are calling on the County Government to buy fire fighting equipments as well as a fire truck to prevent future occurrence.
“We plead with the County Government to invest in fire equipments. Kinamba does not have even one fire truck.” said Mama Faith, adding that the situation could have been salvaged if such equipment were available.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Laikipia Rural Voices agenda for 2014

By Bob Aston 

The Laikipia Rural Voices (LRV) which is supported by Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) through Ng’arua Maarifa Centre would like to wish all its readers and the Citizen Journalism Reporters a happy 2014. LRV hopes that 2014 will signify new and better things for all its friends and partners.
LRV was started by ALIN in 2011. This was an initiative aimed at promoting community journalism by training young people on basic Journalism skills such as photojournalism, News writing, Creative writing, Feature writing, Interviewing, Online journalism and Media Laws and Ethics.
LRV stand during the launch of Sokopepe
This year Laikipia Rural Voices will be working towards ensuring that there is enhanced citizen participation in governance issues, increased global dialogue among citizens and increased scrutiny of government services.
The long term goal of Laikipia Rural Voices is ensuring that there is effective citizen participation in policy dialogue and that the voices of Citizen Reporters are heard globally.
Laikipia Rural Voices will this year continue to strive to give Sipili and the larger Laikipia County communities a platform where they can share their own stories as well as giving them an opportunity to be part of a global community of men and women who are passionate about development news.
Laikipia Rural Voices looks forward to a greater community involvement in 2014. Those who are interested in Citizen Journalism will always be welcome to Ng’arua Maarifa Centre. LRV would love for you to join them. Jump on in, tell your story and see how it connects with someone on the other side of the world.
In 2013 Laikipia Rural Voices managed to post 91 articles. This roughly translated to an average of one article posted after every four days. This year LRV will strive not only to increase the number of articles posted but also to improve on the quality of articles that will be posted on the blog.
Laikipia Rural Voices will this year try to engage its readers more often. Readers’ feedback, critism and opinions will be highly appreciated. Please always feel free to comment on blog posts as well as engaging LRV on Facebook, twitter and Google+.
LRV has so far received 31,670 visitors and 18,031 page views. This year LRV seeks to significantly increase the number of blog visitors. Please try to share LRV’s blog posts with others through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and E-mail.
Laikipia Rural Voices would also like to urge its readers to follow them through facebook, Google+, twitter and Really Simple Syndication (RSS). One can also get blog post updates through E-mail subscription.
Laikipia Rural Voices hopes that 2014 will be a successful year.
LRV once again wishes all its readers and the Citizen Journalism Reporters a prosperous 2014. God bless you all.